For those who are feeling weary
This morning I was feeling heavy in my heart. The enemy was trying to bring discouragement over something I’m praying for. In order to bring discouragement he reminded me of all of the things I’ve prayed for over the years that haven’t yet come to pass….things I’ve been waiting on God for. We’re told in the scripture to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:5).
We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Have you ever struggled to take thoughts captive? Sometimes when the enemy brings discouragement and flaming darts are thrown at you one after another it can be hard to recognize the truth. Things get foggy very quickly. That is why it is so important to get into the Lord’s presence to hear His voice and into His word so our minds can be renewed.
Permission to Lament
As I was sitting with him this morning I poured my heart out to him…the good, the bad, and the ugly. We can and should be honest with God. He can handle the pain in our hearts. Lament is something we sometimes overlook in the body of Christ. We’re encouraged to be joyful which is a wonderful thing. Joy is a fruit of the spirit and we should be joyful but sorrow is a real thing that we sometimes experience before we get to rejoice. I love the Psalms of David for that reason because David pours out his heart before God in all honestly holding nothing back. In the Psalms you often see a shift happen halfway through where his lament turns into joy or thanksgiving.

That’s what happened to me this morning as I got into God’s presence. He took all the heaviness on my heart and he gave me a word that brought peace and confidence in Him. I want to share this word with you today so that it may bring encouragement in the midst of whatever battle you may be facing.
A message of encouragement
“Victory is mine. I’m enthroned in the heavens. The earth is my footstool. I give my revelation to thirsty souls, those that hunger and thirst for righteousness. Keep your hands clean and your heart pure. Don’t let the enemy set up camp in your heart. Stand firm in my victory. It is I who fights your battles. You need only to be still. Stand firm with the breastplate of righteousness. It is my breastplate that guards your heart. The flaming arrows of the enemy cannot penetrate it. I am your breastplate. Put on Me. I am your protection and your exceedingly great reward. You’re never alone in the battle when you are wearing me. Saul’s armor was heavy because it was something manufactured by man. My armor is not heavy. It is light but it carries with it the weight of heaven. The enemy collapses under it. He cannot stand when my Kabod (glory) comes. Trust my ways. Trust my word. Don’t let your heart be troubled or afraid. Surrender to my purposes and plans.” Psalm 123:1, Isaiah 66:1, Isaiah 55:9, Matthew 5:6, John 6:35, Psalm 24: 3-4, Exodus 14:14, Genesis 15:1, John 14:27
One word from God can change everything. We take those thoughts that the enemy throws at us and we make them obey God’s word. The enemy cannot stand against His word. Whatever you are facing today, know that the Lord fights for you if you remain in Him! Trust His plans and His purposes no matter whether they make sense or not. Often the Lord does things in ways that we do not understand. He sees the outcome of a thing that we cannot see. His timing and his plan don’t always line up with ours. Trust that He loves you so much and has the best for you.