By Nicole Delaney

Hi there! WELCOME! I’m glad you’re here!

My name is Nicole and I’ve been married for fifteen years to my husband, Joseph. We live in Florida with our two dogs who we adore, Mazie and Sophie. I’m curious by nature and I love adventure. I enjoy meeting new people, exploring new places, and learning new things.

This website is birthed out of a long wilderness season…one different than the wilderness experiences of the past I’d been used to. It’s been a season of discovery and of learning to hear the voice of the Lord more closely.

Back in 2018, there were lots of things shifting in my life, especially in my career. I lost my boss who I cared deeply about and that entire year felt like God was causing me to feel enough discomfort that I would make some changes. He had been speaking to me a bit about ministry but I think I had my identity so much in what I did for work that it was hard to see where He was taking me.

I started 2019 with a lot of excitement to join my husband in a career of personal training. My husband Joseph (pictured with me here) has been working in personal training for many years. I got my certification that year and began working that fall but in early 2020 our business shut down for two months and all those new clients I’d obtained disappeared.

I continued to pursue personal training for another year but things just didn’t feel like they were coming together. I sensed the Lord speaking to me about taking some time to rest and spend time with Him in his presence and studying the scriptures.

Over the past several years I’ve been learning a lot about the Scriptures through the cultural background of the Middle East and a Hebraic lens. It’s opened up the scriptures in a way I never imagined. In the West, we see things through more of a Greco-Roman lens and it causes us to miss a lot of important truths found in the stories of scripture. When we understand the culture of the Middle East, cultural idioms and even Geography so much more comes into view. It has also helped me understand more about the importance of wilderness seasons. In 2022 I felt God begin nudging me to share the things I’ve learned on my journey.

In 2023 the Lord opened the door for me to have an opportunity to study in Israel and Jordan over the summer. We explored ancient sites through their geographical, historical, and cultural context. We read the land with our feet. The wilderness experience became all the more palpable when hiking the terrain in the summer heat.

I returned from Israel a different person than when I left. I can’t fully put into words what happened to me. I could feel the Lord’s heart for His people when I was there and my heart expanded for Israel and for the Jewish people. I look forward to passing along the things that I learned while I was in the land as well as anything else the Lord might want me to share.

I definitely don’t have it all figured out and I’m still learning to navigate the wilderness following the breadcrumbs that God has been leaving along the way. There’s more I hope to be able to share in time. In the meantime, I hope you are encouraged as we journey the wilderness together.

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